Wednesday 1 October 2008

June 29, 2008


I was not able to come across many dragonflies on that day.


okjohn said... really do a good job following the Dragonfly..enjoyed all the pictures you have on here.

合田學 (上坂眞信)  said...

Thank you very much for your comment.
Wellcome to the world of the dragonfly.
The dragonfly is a very mysterious existence. I can do interchange with people of all ages and countries through a dragonfly.
I thank dragonfly and you heartily.

Dragonflylady44 said...

Hello, I give thanks to you for putting all this photos on Memorandum 2008. You have done a great honor to the dragonfly. The love of the dragonfly is very pure and patient. They are so curious. I miss the dragonflies from my yard that I like to call my meadow. Dragonflylady44 is so very thankful to you for all your dedication to the dragonfly. many blessings and smiles to you...Elizabeth

合田學 (上坂眞信)  said...

Thank you very much for your comment.
The friend who loves dragonflies.
I prepared for this blog for dragonfly and you.